MUST KNOW RULES OF MARRIAGE General RULES OF MARRIAGE 1. ALMIGHTY ALLAH provides the blueprints for marriage and the power source of love, wisdom, and health. Only Almighty Allah can heal any marriage if the husband and wife will submit themselves to Him and let Him change. Marriage needs to be re-explained. It needs to be re-branded as an awesome, noble, and challenging adventure. Our manhood, our happiness, and our children’s future depend on marriage—yours, mine, and everybody else’s. In a culture of counterfeits and mistruths, it’s important to understand what marriage is about. As you read through the following list, ask Almighty Allah to remake you and help you understand what it means to be a man and a husband. Let’s value marriage and relate well to our wives, whether we’re married yet, or preparing for that woman. Marriage 2. It’s the union and oneness of man and woman in lifelong covenant. It’s the team that anchors a family. It’s a bonded relationship th...