1. If you’re completely new to learning how to start a blog, some of this might seem a bit daunting. So let’s get the basic terminology out of the way first. BE CONFIRM, IT'S EASY WHEN YOU ARE IN IT.

What is a CMS?
What is a CMS?

2. A Content Management System (or CMS) is where you'll be writing, designing, and publishing your blog posts. A good CMS is easy to use, let’s you organize your content, upload images and videos, and have control over how your entire blog looks using themes or custom design elements. The most popular CMS you’ve most likely heard of is WordPress. In fact, the latest numbers say that over 60% of all blogs run on this CMS, incl the websites for Forbes, New York Observer, TED, Thought Catalog, TechCrunch and others.

is WordPress free? Should I start my blog on WordPress.COM?

3. Of course, there are other CMS options you can look at, such as Squarespace, Ghost, and Wix when learning how to start a blog. However, I strongly recommend setting up a self hosted WordPress site for your blog as it’s the most sustainable, long term solution. iT IS really the only option worth considering if you're starting a blog with the eventual goal of making money from your website in some way, shape or form.

4. Now, one thing you need to be careful of is that WordPress comes in two very different platforms. and They have almost the same name, but there are very big differences between the two:


5. As fols:

a. Doesn’t let you pick a custom domain name (i.e. 👉

b. Has very limited monetization options (you can’t sell your own ads).

c. Is free to use?

d. Has limited theme support so you’re stuck with very basic designs.

e. You have to pay to remove WordPress branding.

f. Limited SEO and analytics.

g. Doesn’t let you upload plugins (for email capture and other things).

6. As fols:

a. Let’s you start or add an eCommerce store or membership site.

b. Fully customizable design, unlimited plugin options, and no branding.

c. Powerful SEO features so people can find your site easier.

d. Total control over your own monetization efforts.

e. Small monthly fee.

Choice is Yours
Choice is Yours

7. While the choice is yours, if you want to take full advantage of your blog, be able to have it grow with you. And eventually make money from it, is the way to go when learning how to start a blog. It's the backend CMS of choice that'll sit in the background and power your blog. Plus, with affordable hosting plans from providers I trust like Dianahost.COM, you can be up and running with WordPress installed and powering your site in a matter of just a few minutes using their one click WordPress installation after signing up.

What are some other free CMS options?

CMS options

8. If you don’t want to use WordPress.COM, there are plenty of other options you can choose from, incl free ones like Blogger.COM, Wix.COM, Squarespace .COM and even starting out on more scaled back social media sites like Quora and LinkedIn.

9. However, I just have to say it again, every free blogging platform will have limitations. And if you want to maximize your blog’s potential for earning an income, then it’s always worth it to own your platform and go with a self hosted WordPress blog, powered by a hosting provider like Dianahost.COM that'll have your back on any of the technical questions & issues you run into.

10. I intend to love making creative, interesting and learning videos. My channel/ facebook pages/ blogs stands out in terms of quality programming, makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an educational system. I continually search for light. I like to feel that my creation is a light that shines, illuminating the way; clarifying intricate issues, inspiring and motivating the hearts and minds of all human being. By watching my contents/ videos, you can learn the appropriate solution of integral life problems and family friendly entertainment. 

11. I also like to put my active effort to give a deep insight and detail analysis on the famous speeches and interesting books of the world to enhance the knowledge as well as wisdom of every human being of the world. Let us all work together to teach each other so that we can fulfill our earnest desire to leave a better a planet for future generations.

12. I like to put a humble submission to all -- Please Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment on my contents that I create to help all who need. Be confirm, you won’t be disappointed.


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14. It is most likely that my contents may consists of unintentional mistakes. I would kindly request you all to correct those to fit in with your needs/ requirements/ desires ---


I look forward to staying in touch.

Almighty Allah Bless Us All.


All the best----


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