
1. Do you find it challenging to be kind? When we express authentic kindness to a friend, co-worker or even stranger, we project that version of ourselves that others will likely remember. Being kind is an important way of bringing meaning to our own lives. It also brings joy to the lives of others around us. Being kind allows us to communicate better and be more compassionate. Kindness has its true source deep within you, and while some people are innately kind, it's something that everyone can cultivate by choice. Here are few imp ways to be more kind:

Cultivate Kindness 

2. Kindness is a positive mental state. While kindness is about giving and being open to others, giving kindness returns a sense of well being and connection to us that improves our own mental state and health. Cultivate kindness for the good of your own health. 

Learn Kindness 

3. Remember how other people's kindness 'makes your day'. What is it about their kindness that makes you feel special and cherished? Are there things that they do that you can replicate from your own heart? Think about the truly kind people in your life and how they make you feel. When other people find a way to love you for who you are, it's impossible to forget such trust and confirmation of worthiness, and their kindness lives on forever.

Care For Others 

4. Kindness is about caring genuinely for others around you, wanting the best for them and recognizing in them the same wants, needs, aspirations, and even fears that you have too. Kindness is warm, resilient, patient, trusting, loyal, and grateful. Practice kindness and generosity toward others. Being out of practice, being shy or not knowing how to reach out to others can only be overcome in the doing, by continually trying until it becomes a natural impulse to be kind and giving to others.

Ask Nothing in Return

5. The greatest kindness expects nothing, comes with no strings attached and places no conditions on anything done or said. Try to carry good intentions with displays of kindness. Kindness and good intention usually come hand in hand but in the few cases where they could not be aligned, try to practice good intentions, like not expecting anything in return for your gesture or compliment.

Be Mindful

6. Considering our closest relationships as well as our acquaintances and others who we don’t see regularly, it is important to be mindful of how we treat others because of the impact it can have. Truly being considerate can go a long way with many friendships and relationships.

Be Positive

7. Stop judging people and realize that you'll never fully understand where they're coming from unless you walk a day in their shoes. Focus on wanting to help others instead of judging them for not being better than they are. Instead of spending your time being critical of other people, work on being positive and compassionate. If you're judgmental, prone to gossip, or just always bad mouthing the people around you, you'll never be able to move past your reservations to be kind. Being kind means giving people the benefit of the doubt instead of expecting perfection.

Don’t Discriminate

8. Don’t discriminate who to be kind to. As we all know, each of us is facing a challenge, whether seen or unseen. Don’t discriminate who to be kind to, despite differences. 

Focus on Kindness

9. Kindness is a habit and is one that everyone can cultivate. Focus on kindness. At the end of this directed focus, you'll be aware of profound changes in your life. You'll feel better about yourself as a person and you'll find that people react to you differently, incl treating you better. Do one kind thing for someone every day. Make a conscious decision at the beginning of the day what that kind act will be and make time to do it during the day.

Be Kind

10. Be kind, friendly, and compassionate when you interact with someone and even more so where that person normally makes you angry, stressed, or bothered. Use kindness as your strength. Build up your small acts of kindness into larger acts of compassion. 


11. When in doubt, be kind as often as possible, hopefully every day so that you can reap the rewards in terms of your quality of relationships and just pure satisfaction that you have spread joy to another person’s life. There is no doubt that you might still have difficulties or challenges that come your way, but with the joy of spreading kindness, your mind and heart can benefit and you can feel satisfied more often. Cheers -----


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