Ways to Look After Servants

How to look After Servants

Md. Lutful Huda

1. Servants or domestic helpers are a priceless resource who significantly ease our day to day works. Conversely, for few people, they are a source of distress. Many employers are seen complaining to others about the trouble they face from the incompetence, treachery, and intentional misdemeanor of their servants. However, we need to remind ourselves to manage our servants in accordance with the religious ethics and values. We should learn the techniques of behaving good with our servants and we should possess the same for our better future. It's the duty of the parents also to teach their children as to how to behave with their servants. We should think and behave with our servants in the following manner if we think ourselves positive and good human being:

Be Positive

2. Positive people attract others while negative repels. It is like universal truth or secre
t that if you love your servants from your heart, you will definitely get the best out of them even paying them less. However as a good human being or a religious personality you must not pay less to anyone from whatever they deserve. Think that Almighty Allah has given you the ability to keep a servant who makes your life easy by helping you always.

Pay Whatever They Deserve 

3. You must always make up your mind not to pay less to anyone from whatever they deserve as I told earlier. If need you should pay more to any workers or helpers those who helped you. Be confirm that paying more to a poor will be better for you always. We need to change the way we view our servants wages. By considering it an expense, we tend to extract full value of the money. You should consider the pay if you find your servant is sick. Consider their pay loving them that will benefit you in the long run. 

Forgive Them 

4. Forgiveness is a great virtue. Be kind to your servants. Undoubtedly you will be rewarded for that. In human relationships, it is not pleasant to have your past mistakes and wrongs thrown in your face repeatedly. Many of us do the same which is not at all a good habit. Forgive them for the sake of Allah if they wrong you, and do not be harsh when scolding them. Even if you think they have committed a mistake that is grave in nature, you may leave them paying them their salary and should also advise them not to do the same with anyone. Your good advice will be a rememberance for him or her and that is better in all aspects. 

Assist Them

5. Life is not fair. Human beings have problems. We should consider them on their problems, feelings, behaviour, attitude etc. You might notice that your domestic helpers are disturbed on some days. They are human beings who have problems and worries just like us. Talk to them. Try to find out their problems and bad feelings they have. Ask them what is troubling them; then advise them to have patience and hope in Allah's mercy. Keep them counselling, but show them that you care. Remember, Assisting them mere talking and giving advice is more than the money or the pay you give them. Be sure that you will be paid from Almighty Allah for that reason. 

Don't Accuse Them

6. Never work on suspicion that is a sin. It is forbidden in religious perspectives also. Do not accuse them for stealing, cheating or lying on mere suspicion. Many of us are doing it. It has been seen that many employers feels guilty of their unfair action after they leave their servants. Never beat them even if they do they same. Remember that you should have that quality and capability to make them good on all aspects as Almighty Allah has given you the ability to get the assistance of them. Don't just accuse your servants as soon as something in the house is missing due to your own absentmindedness. Take some time, think, realize and bring out a good decision as you are an employer. Ask them normally if they have seen the missing object, but do not accuse them of theft or misplacement. In most cases, the object is eventually found after the servant has been fired, causing guilt and embarrassment to the employer for life. 

Teach Them Manners 

7. Teach them attitude, behavior, manners, customs and etiquette which they deserve from you. It is also your responsibility. Remember you will be paid squarely if you teach good things to others specially those who need it most. You are going to do that when you are undeniably good. Domestic helpers has the rights upon us to learn manners, customs and etiquette as they are not likely to learn those because of their ignorance or illiteracy. Teach them on religious matters that will definitely pay you in multiple ways. Teach them to be trustworthy and the outcome of becoming that. This will eventually make them love and respect you for the sake of Allah which results in a sincere relationship devoid of mistrust and treachery.

Treat Them With Honor

8. Treating others with respect is a great virtue. So you must learn this techniques as to how to treat anyone with due honour. Domestic helpers are human beings with feelings and self esteem. Any treatment that you would dislike for yourself would hurt them too. Try not to scold them in public. Don't point out their mistakes before others. Don't allow your children to mock at them or hit them or treat them disrespectfully which are totally unacceptable behaviours. Treat them with honor and dignity. Let your children learn good things which will be much better for your children also in the long run. 

Take Food With Them

9. Take some meal sometime occasionally with them without separating utensils that will give them a feelings of love and affection. That will be returned to you in many aspects from Almighty Allah. Domestic helpers are human beings. Some people treat them as if they are unhygienic beings from another planet. Never think in that manner. Your children will learn the good things which is better for their life. If your servants have some bad habits, teach them hygiene which is your duty towards them also. Don't make them feel insulted. They will never return an insult with loyalty or obedience. 

Reward Them 

10. Giving gift to employees for their good deeds is a good habit and that pays a lot for sure. It may be in terms of anything. Mere talking good words to them is more than rewards sometimes. Rewarding their work will definitely be an encouragement for them and that is gonna pay you more in all aspects for sure. Try to make them happy with occasional bonuses in the form of clothing, shoes or other items that you are yourself using. Do not cast off broken, torn or damaged goods to them unless they agree to take them. This is part of the religious etiquette also. 

Look After Them

11. Helping or becoming kind to others is a sign of a good human being. Make up your mind to help others at any cost that will pay you in different forms. Learn to ease the work of your servants or domestic helpers when they are sick. Allow them to go home early by reducing their works when they are not feeling well or when they are ill. Help them if they need money for medical treatment. Consideration on this without reminding them of these favours later, is a good way to establish a relationship based on mutual trust and care. 

Think Yourself Small

12. You are never superior whoever and whatever you are. It is one of Almighty Allah‟s laws of the universe that some people possess higher worldly ranks than others which is for a very short period in this world. A wealthy person is never superior than a poor person if he is not educated in the light of religious aspects. A literate person will always think as to how small the planet 'World' is. In comparison to that how small his country is. Thinking and realizing tinyness will make him feel as to how small he is. So if you can think yourself small, you can come out from any ego, any negative attitude that you possess. Thinking yourself small will definitely help you in all spheres of your life including taking care of your servants. 


13. Religion mandates lofty treatment with slaves. But we don't show that even to servants who are mere employees, and not slaves. Learning as to how to behave with servants, becoming kind and helpful to them is a godly gift to someone. Be sure to get the reward from Almighty Allah in all aspects of your life if you can pursue learning the techniques of behaving good with servants.


Prepared by Major (R) Md. Lutful Huda, presently Chairman of TIDAC and Dreamwork Limited, Chief Editor of 'Crime and Judgement' Magazine

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